Dimensions of Oral Health


ISSN: 2768-1769

Frequency: Biannually, two volumes per year, electronically with accepted submissions available before published issue.

Indexing/Abstracting Services: In addition to being registered with OAI and ROAR, Dimensions of Oral Health is SEO optimized and designed to be highly discoverable in all major engines. The journal is indexed in Google Scholar, Google, and Bing. The journal will apply for additional appropriate indexes when available.

Open Access: All accepted submissions to Dimensions of Oral Health will be published Open Access. There is no charge for review, publication, or access to the work (i.e. Author Publishing Charge).

Language: Proper English is the official language of Dimensions of Oral Health. Authors who feel their article may need editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors to conform to precise scientific English may benefit from using a language editing service.

Submission: Submission to this journal proceeds entirely online. Steps for submission will guide the corresponding author through the process. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision to request a revision, occurs by email. Please submit your article here.