The approximate determination of lead vectors and the burger triangle in normal human subjects
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American Heart Journal
1. The Einthoven lead connections of six human subjects were energized with square wave impulses of 1 Ma. of direct current, and the body surface traces of the lead fields were mapped. 2. Methods are described for calculating lead vectors and Burger triangles from the lead fields, and the data thus computed are given in tabular form. 3. The Lead III field approximates the ideal lead configuration. The Lead II field and especially the Lead I field deviate significantly from the ideal configuration. 4. A theoretical analysis of lead distortions due to the intracardiac mass of blood shows that tangential components of current dipoles in the myocardium contribute relatively little to the deflections of extremity electrocardiograms. Despite lead distortions due to intracavitary blood, the electromotive forces of the heart are probably recorded in a quasi-vectorial manner. © 1956, All rights reserved.
Recommended Citation
Brody, D.,
Erb, B.,
Romans, W.
The approximate determination of lead vectors and the burger triangle in normal human subjects.
American Heart Journal,
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