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Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Cerebellar Coordination of Neuronal and Behavioral Rhythms, Brittany Correia Chapman


Olfactory Processing in the Piriform Cortex of Awake, Freely Moving Mice, Ian F. Chapman


Predictors of Hyperkalemia and Outcomes of Dyskalemia in US Veterans with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease Transitioning to Dialysis, Ankur Dashputre


A Neurophysiological Investigation of Listening Effort in Normal Hearing Adults Using fNIRS and Pupillometry, Jessica Defenderfer


Inflammatory Response Following Hemorrhagic Stroke: The Role of Cytokines, Patrick Devlin


The Relationship of Child Health and Parenting Stress to Child Neurocognitive Development, Nancy Alise Farrell


Immunomodulatory Roles of the Lysosomal Sialidase Neuraminidase 1, Leigh Ellen Fremuth


The Role and Immunogenicity of CBFA2T3-GLIS2 in Pediatric Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia, Elizabeth A. Garfinkle


The Uncertainty and Psychological Health of Family Caregivers of Patients with Delirium in Intensive Care Units, Amal Shokri Haji Assa


Exploring Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Mouse Models, Xian Han


Associations Between Postpartum Depression and Child Overweight and Obesity: Mediating Effect of Maternal Feeding Behaviors and Beliefs, Michelle Harrison


Nursing Perspectives and Opinions on Early or Delayed Sepsis Treatment: A Mixed Methods Approach, Pamela L. Harris


Developing Targeted Therapies for T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Jianzhong Hu


Sepsis: Do the Clinical Criteria Support the Medical Coding?, April M. Insco


Comparison of a Dynamic Ankle Orthosis to a Walking Boot for Preserving Ankle Joint Motion and Reducing Tibial Bone Load and Strain, Perri Johnson Jr.


Targeting Protein Degradation to Uncover Novel Oncoprotein Drivers of Acute Leukemia, Fatemeh Keramatnia


OTULIN's Novel Regulatory Mechanisms in Genotoxic and Inflammatory NF-kB Signaling, Mingqi Li


A Rodent Animal Model for Forelimb to Lower Jaw Reorganization in Primary Somatosensory Cortex (SI) Barrel Field, Violeta Pellicer Morata


Host-Pathogen Interactions During Leptospirosis in Male C3H/HeJ Mice, Advait Bhaskar Shetty


Mitophagy-Mediated Regulation of ROS Homeostasis During HSC Activation Contributes to Cell Fate, Amber Lynne Smith


Methods Development in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Andrew B. Steimke


Computer-Aided Drug Discovery for Helicobacter pylori, Nicole Ann Vita


A Cloning-Free Recyclable System for CRISPR-Cas9 Mediated Mutant and Reversion Construction in Candida albicans Clinical Isolates, Amanda K. Vogel


Identification of Therapeutic Targets for Th17 Cell-Mediated Diseases, Jin Wang


Role of Membrane Contact Sites in the Neuropathogenesis of GM1-Gangliosidosis, Jason Andrew Weesner