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Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Cellular Dynamics and Disease Outcome of Type 3 Streptococcus pneumoniae Clinical Isolates Differ Between Strains, Taylor Rae Plunkett White


Characterizing T Cell Features of Atypical Lymphocytes for the Optimization of Adoptive Immunotherapies, Taylor L. Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Effects of Genetics and Sex on Hippocampal Gene Expression and Adolescent Behaviors Following Neonatal Ethanol Exposure in BXD Recombinant Inbred Mice, Jessica A. Baker


Antibiotic Tolerance and Heteroresistance: Associated Fitness Costs and Potential in Evading Antibiotic Killing, Tina H. Dao


Characterizing and Overcoming Resistance to Aminomethylspectinomycins in Gram-negative Bacteria, Nisha Das


Investigating the Role of ZNF384 Rearrangements in Acute Leukemia, Kirsten Dickerson


Environmental and Genetic Factors Affecting Bone Diseases and Phenotypes in Mouse Models, Wei Dong


MUC13 Enhances Colorectal Cancer Metastasis, Kyle Doxtater


Evaluation and Feasibility of a Head Positioning Intervention in Patients with Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage, Wendy L. Dusenbury


The Effect of Cancer Cachexia Progression on the Feeding Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Protein Turnover, Brittany R. Franch


Near-Field Electrospinning and Characterization of Biodegradable Small Diameter Vascular Grafts, William E. King III


Role of SMAD2 and SMAD3 on Adipose Tissue Development and Function, Roshan Kumari


Examination of Antiviral Resistance in Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus, Jasper Lee


Delineating the Upc2A Regulon in Candida glabrata, Yu Li


Feasibility and Acceptability of Using Mobile Health Apps in Underserved Patients with Diabetes, Jieyu Luo


The Effect of Maternal Traumatic Life Events and Social Support on Maternal-Child Interaction at Child Age 3 Years, Sandra I. Madubuonwu


Iatrogenic Electrocautery Damage and Cellular-Based Corrosion of Total Joint Arthroplasty Biomaterials, Kirsten Carol Miller


Combating HIV-1 by Targeting Drug Efflux Transporters on the Macrophage Reservoir, Ying Mu


Therapeutic Potential of TRP Channels in the Targeting of Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblasts, Brittany Isabella Schwam


Developing Deep-Learning Methods for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Pediatric Progressive Diseases Using Modern Imaging Techniques, Mahdieh Shabanian


Development and Implementation of Computer-Based Learning Modules on Alternative Communication for Pediatric Nurses and Nursing Students, Amanda Kaye Simmons


The Heme-Regulated Inhibitor Pathway Modulates Susceptibility of Poor Prognosis B-Lineage Acute Leukemia to BH3-Mimetics, Kaitlyn Hill Smith


Taste Learning in Insular Cortex: Plasticity Is Influenced by Experience Type, Stephanie Marie Staszko


The Molecular Mechanisms of Estrogen Receptor α on Two Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms to Regulate WNT Signaling in Osteoblasts, Sarocha Suthon


Adaptive Immunity: From Autoimmune Diseases to Neuroinflammation, Wei Su