Rectal biopsy in ulcerative colitis

UTHSC Affiliation

College of Medicine

Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Title

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum






We have studied 271 rectal biopsy specimens from 236 cases of ulcerative colitis. The value of such biopsies is twofold. It provides an obvious method of studying the morphology of the disease in fresh, fixed material. It seems to have proved of value to our clinical colleagues as an aid to diagnosis. This is particularly true in those cases which are in a quiescent phase of the disease where superficial epithelial repair may make sigmoidoscopic appearances more difficult to interpret. Arising out of this study we have been stimulated to investigate the appearances of the early lesions of the disease and this again has provided two fields of interest. First, the study of morphologic changes and second, the realization that the presence of skip areas and early lesions in parts of the colon which may otherwise be regarded as being normal must in some degree determine the extent of the operation most suitable when surgical intervention is contemplated. © 1958, the American Proctologic Society. All rights reserved.
