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Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Discoveries of Targets and Novel Agents for the Treatment of Ischemic Retinopathy and Neovascular Disease, Jordan Javad Toutounchian


Factors Associated with African American Women’s Sexual Health and Risk Behavior: A Mixed Methods Study, Melody N. Waller


Evaluating the Therapeutic Effect of an Hsp90 Inhibitor in Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease, Bin Wang


Dissecting the Physiological Roles of ULK1/2 in the Mouse Brain, Bo Wang


Understanding Structural And Functional Mechanisms of Emi1 Inhibition of the Anaphase Promoting Complex, Edmond Randall Watson


Examining the Associations between Depressive Symptoms, Body Mass Index, and Physical Activity Self-Efficacy in African American Mother-Child Dyads, Y'Esha Vonyae Williams


Environmental Signaling through the Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 (TORC1) and the Regulation of Epigenetic Mechanisms, Jason J. Workman


Repeated Zolpidem Treatment Effects on Sedative Tolerance, Withdrawal, mRNA Levels, and Protein Expression, Brittany T. Wright


Hit Identification for PKCζ Inhibitors: Structure-Based Optimization, Virtual Screening, and Biological Evaluation, Xiaoxin Wu

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Cancer, Tha'er Ghandi Almomani


The Value of Online Medication Rating Systems to Older Adults and Their Association with Self-Reported Outcomes, Yazed Sulaiman AlRuthia


Kinematic and Kinetic Effects of Alterations in Lumbar Lordosis in People with Tight Hamstrings, Dema Assaf


Development and evaluation of amphotericin B Loaded iron oxide nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery to systemic fungal infections, Pavan Balabathula


Scoliosis Analog Model for the Evaluation of Bracing Technology, Chloe Ly Chung


Genetic Control of Survival and Weight Loss during Pneumonic Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bp) Infection, Felicia D. Emery


Integration of ATM, ATR, and DNA-PKcs Signaling Maintains Genome Integrity During Neurogenesis, Vanessa D. Enriquez-Rios


Reprogramming to Pluripotency Using Small Molecule Compounds, Brittany E. Greenberg


Functional Activity and Switching of Novel Cannabinergic Ligands, Bret Alan Koertge


Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Alcohol-Induced Cerebral Artery Smooth Muscle BK Channel Inhibition and Eventual Cerebral Vasoconstriction, Guruprasad Kuntamallappanavar


Challenges in the Pharmacokinetics of Therapeutic Proteins, Wararat Limothai


Adverse Effects of Asparaginase in Pediatric Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Chengcheng Liu


The Effect of Background Music on the Visual Categorization of Printed Words in Normal Younger and Older Adults, Sukhada Vaidya Mairal


Design, Development and Evaluation of Erlotinib-Loaded Hybrid Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery to NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer, Bivash Mandal


Development of Oral Vaccines Against Lyme Disease, Rita Raquel dos Anjos de Carvalho e Melo


Design, Development, Characterization and Testing of CD22 Targeted Long Circulating Liposomal Drug Delivery Systems for B Cell Malignancies, Nivesh Kumar Mittal