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Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Medicaid Discontinuity among Adults with Cardiovascular Disease or High Risk Conditions: Associations with Medication Adherence and Health Care Utilization, Kiraat Divyang Munshi


Functional Analysis of Genomic Variation and Impact on Molecular and Higher Order Phenotypes, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey


Effects of Cocaine Sensitization on Drug Self-Administration, Mesocorticolimbic SAPAP Levels, and Prefrontal Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors, Kyle Christopher Summers


Optimization of Lead Spectinamide Compounds as Novel Anti-tuberculosis Agents with a Pharmacometric Approach, Ashit Rasendu Trivedi


Anal Cancer Risk Factor Management Practices and the Barriers and Facilitators of Addressing Anal Health in the HIV Primary Care Setting, Crystal Martin Walker


Overcoming Acquired Resistance to BRAF Inhibitors by Novel Synergistic Drug Combination and Discovery of Novel Smac Mimetics as Selective Survivin Inhibitors, Jin Wang


Burden, Depressive Symptoms, and Perceived Health in Male Caregivers of Persons with End Stage Renal Disease, Loretta Alexia Williams


Discovery of Novel Tubulin Polymerization Inhibitors and Survivin Inhibitors as Potential Anticancer Agents, Min Xiao


Structural-based Investigation of FAK and P130Cas in Focal Adhesion, Chi Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Glioma: A Tale of Corticosteroids, Thiopurines and Proposed Novel AntiGlioma Small Molecules, Amira Ahmed

Preclinical Evaluation of a Novel Polysaccharide Hydrogel for Local Chemotherapy Delivery to Solid Tumors, Elizabeth Diana Barker


Predictors and Mediators of Long-term Functional Limitations in the Older Adult Population, Teresa Maria Bell


Adenosine Production Is Essential for Closing the Critical Period of Cortical Plasticity, Rachel A. Chassan


Synthesis and Characterization of Methacrylated Hyaluronan-Based Hydrogels for Tissue Engineering, Keegan Bradley Compton


The Mi-2 Homolog Mit1 Actively Positions Nucleosomes Within Heterochromatin to Suppress Transcription, Kevin M. Creamer


Mapping the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Sensorimotor Integration During the Perception and Performance of Wallowing, Megan E. Cuellar


Molecular Characterization of Glioblastoma Cancer Stem Cells, Jo Meagan Garner


The Health-Related Quality of Life of Adults with Down Syndrome, Rebecca Jermyn Graves


Determination of the Functional Relationship Between Lumbar Lordosis and Pelvic Tilt, Casey Tyler Hebert


Functional and Genetic Analysis of Choroid Plexus Development in Zebrafish, Hannah Elizabeth Henson


Preliminary Study on How Tumor Suppressor Nf2 Inhibits Transcriptional Coactivators Yap/Taz in the Developing Mouse Brain, Yu He


Hemoglobin A1C and the Diagnosis of Diabetes and Prediabetes in Children and Adolescents, Jennifer McGuire Hitt


Racial Disparities in Adherence to Cardiovascular Medications among the Elderly in Medicare: Three Empirical Essays, Mustafa Hussein Muhammad Hussein


Group IV Cytosolic Phospholipase A2α Is Critical for the Development of Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertension and Associated Pathogenesis, Nayaab Shehbaz Khan


Effect of Nedd4 Haploinsufficiency on Insulin Sensitivity, Adiposity and Neuronal Behaviors, Jingjing Li