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Theses/Dissertations from 2014


An Examination of Factors that Influence Health Behaviors among Low Income African American Women with Type 2 Diabetes in Memphis, TN: A Qualitative Inquiry Using Mixed Methods, Adole Muruako


Persistant GATA2 Expression Promotes Self-Renewal of Myeloid Progenitors and Blocks Lymphoid Differentiation., Satish Kumar Nandakumar


Language Skills, Oral Narrative Production, and Executive Functions of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Hyejin Park


Computer-Aided Drug Design and Discovery, Screening and Synthesis of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Nucleoside Transporters, Hilaire Colleen Playa


Novel Insights into the Role of the Smoothened Cysteine Rich Domain in Hedgehog Signalling, Rajashree Rana


The Effect of Hearing Impairment on Word Processing of Infant- and Adult-Directed Speech, Velma Sue Robertson


Characterization of Cre Mouse Models to Target CNS Barriers for Generating Conditional Knockouts of ABC Transporters, Rachel L. Scheib


Development of a Mobility-Enabling Spinal Orthosis and Methods for Evaluating and Developing Spinal Orthoses on a Robotic Platform, John C. Simmons


MRP4-Dependent Regulation of Fibroblast Migration, Chandrima Sinha


Dopaminergic Genetic Contributions to Obesity in Kidney Transplant Recipients, Ashley Grimes Stanfill


Genetic and Chemical Dissection of BloodBrain Barrier Development in Zebrafish, Robyn Anne Umans


The Role of MCL-1 in the Heart: Gateway from Life to Death, Xi Wang


Total Knee Arthroplasty Wear Is Caused by Malrotation and Excessive Laxity, Erik Woodard


Downregulation of Prdm16 Is Critical for HOXB4-mediated Benign HSC Expansion In Vivo, Hui Yu


Strengths and Weaknesses of Hybrid TPR Technology for Obtaining Structural and Mechanistic Insights into TPR Proteins, Shanshan Yu


Development of a Novel Vaccine Adjuvant System Utilizing an In Situ Implant System to Modified Release, Qiuye Zhang


Autoimmune Susceptibility Imposed by Public TCRβ Chains, Yunqian Zhao

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


Toll-like Receptors 2 and 9 Are Important for Innate Immune Cell Activation and Recruitment in Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis, Kelly J. Andrews


Macromolecular Complexes of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Alter Fluid Transport in inflammatory Bowel Disorders, Kavisha Arora


The Development and Application of a Custom Robotic Biomechanical Testing Platform Employing Real-time Load-control to Compare Spinal Biomechanical Testing Protocols: Pure Moment, Ideal Follower Load, and a Novel Trunk Weight Protocol, Charles Ramsey Bennett


Adenylyl Cyclase 2 Selectively Regulates IL-6 Expression in Human Bronchial Smooth Muscle Cells, Amy Sue Bogard


Development and Characterization of a Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (rVSV) for the Treatment of Glioblastoma, Erika A. Dillard


Changes in Pharyngeal Airway Dimensions Due to MARA Treatment in Class II Malocclusions, James K. Dillehay


Virologic Factors Contributing to the Genetic Diversification of Influenza Viruses Circulating in North American Swine, Thomas Paul Fabrizio II


ERG11-Mediated Azole Resistance in Candida albicans, Stephanie Ann Flowers