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Theses/Dissertations from 2012


Verification of the Accuracy of Electronic Mandibular Movement Recording Devices: : An in vitro investigation, Joshua Heath Balch


Independent Component Analysis of Event-Related Electroencephalography During Speech and Non-Speech Discrimination: : Implications for the Sensorimotor ∆∞ Rhythm in Speech Processing, Andrew Lee Bowers


Improving Literacy Through Instruction and Community Experiences: : The effect of a summer program on literacy outcomes of students from low Ses homes, Lisa DeLozier Bowers


The Effect of Progesterone Only Contraception on the Accuracy of Cervical Cytologic interpretation, Michelle Reneé Collins


Nanotherapies for Treating Prostate Cancer, Michael Danquah


The Molecular Basis of Fitness and Transmissibility of Neuraminidase Inhibitor Resistant Influenza A Viruses, Susu Duan


Acetaldehyde and Epithelial Junctions: Role of Pp2A and Occludin Phosphorylation, Mitzi Dunagan


The Effect of Timbre and Vibrato on Vocal Pitch Matching Accuracy, Sirisha Duvvuru


CNS Penetration of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Mouse Models, Mohamed Elmeliegy


Predictors of Drug Court Client Graduation, Marie E. Gill


RANKL and Osteoprotegerin Levels in Response to Orthodontic Forces, Katherine Ann Hart D.D.S.


Neocortical Layer 4 to Layer 2/3 Sensory Information Processing Investigated with Digital-Light-Projection Neuronal Photostimulation, Jason Paul Jerome


Hematopoietic Stem Cell Threshold Sensing Controls Regulatory Pathways Facilitating Clinically Relevant Ex Vivo Expansion for Stem Cell Transplantation, Andrew D. Lasiter


N200 and P300 Evoked by Stimuli Straddling Category Boundary in Lexical Context, Ji Young Lee


Inhibition of Breast Cancer Angiogenesis and Metastasis ay Targeting Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α, Chikezie O. Madu


Preclinical Study of Potential Antiglioma Novel Tetrahydroisoquinoline Analogs: Pharmacokinetics and Mechanism of Action, Fei Ma


Mrp4 Is a Crucial Regulator of Testosterone Biosynthesis, Jessica Ann Morgan


In vitro Staining of Denture Liners and Potential for Color Correction Using Commonly Available Denture Cleansers, Russell D. Morrell


A Secular Increase in the Tempos of Tooth Formation: 1980-2010, Kevan Michael O'Neill


The Traditional Roles of Caring for Elders: Views from First Nations Elders Regarding Health, Violence, and Elder Abuse, Eileen A. Owen-Williams


Using Grounded Theory to Reveal Tacit Knowledge for Nurse Educators in an Unfamiliar African Setting, Ramona B. Patterson


Anti-apoptotic MCL-1 Localizes to the Mitochondrial Matrix and Couples Mitochondrial Fusion to Respiration, Rhonda Perciavalle


Contribution of the Unfolded Protein Response to VEGF Expression, Ethel Rose Pereira


Skeletal and Dental Components of Class II Division 1 Correction with the MARA Compared to the Standard Edgewise Appliance, Zachary Paul Pitcher


Effect of Compression Force on Agglomeration of Micronized Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients: Techniques to Prevent API Agglomeration During Compression, Suresh Potharaju