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Theses/Dissertations from 2009


Distinct DNA Damage Signaling in the Brain Distinguishes ATLD, NBS, and ATR-Seckel Syndrome, Erin Renee Phillips Shull


Pandemic Potential of Reassortant Swine Influenza A Viruses, Christy Brockwell Staats


Impact of Cost Sharing Levels on Adherence to Controller Drugs and Consequent Outcomes among Asthma Patients, Varun Vaidya


Cost Burden of the ‘Presenteeism’ Health Outcome in a Diverse Nurse and Pharmacist Workforce: Practice Models and Health Policy Implications, Carol L. Warren


The Role of Inflammation in the Early Radiation Response, Christy Marie Wilson


Biomechanical Comparison of Lumbar Disc Replacements, Peter Wong


Mesiodistal Crown Size in Relation to the Risk and Severity of Malocclusion, Jon Robert Zang-Bodis


The Combined Effect of In-Situ Tumor and Irradiation on Peritumoral Brain Vasculature, Janice Ann Zawaski


Insights into BTB-Cul3 Ubiquitin Ligases from the Structures of SPOP-Substrate Complexes, Min Zhuang

Theses/Dissertations from 2008


Influence of Tooth Crown Size on Malocclusion, Michael Kelly Agenter


Controlled Release of Insulin and Modified Insulin from a Novel Injectable Biodegradable Gel, Om Anand


An Analysis of the Differences in Preemptive Kidney Transplantation Between Blacks and Whites, Kennard D. Brown


Predictors of African American Women's Perceived Health Status in the Context of Caring for a Relative With End Stage Renal Disease, Dina Jo Byers


Regulation of the Human Parainfluenza Virus (hPIV3) Fusion Protein, Amanda Ruth Chapman


C-Reactive Protein Polymorphism and Serum Levels as an Independent Risk Factor in Sickle Cell Disease, Elizabeth A. Chismark


A Mechanical and Histological Study of Functionally Graded Hydroxyapatite Implant Coatings, Suzanne Kemp Coco


Role of the LPA2 Receptor in Protecting Against Apoptosis, Shuyu E


Esthetic Evaluation of Edgewise Orthodontic Treatment in Matched Class II, Division 1 Subjects, with and without a MARA, Kelly-Gwynne Mason Fergus


Maxillary Incisor Crown Form and Crowding in Adolescent Orthodontic Patients, Kortne King Frederick


ABCB6 Is a Porphyrin Transporter with a Novel Trafficking Signal That Is Conserved in Other ABC Transporters, Yu Fukuda


Time-Related Centile Ranges for Quality of Life Outcomes in Renal Transplantation, Katy Garth


Structure-Activity Relationship and Mechanistic Studies on the Chemopreventive Activity of Dipyridamole and Its Analogues, Ja’Wanda Shavon Grant


Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Small Molecules in the Discovery of Novel Antimicrobial Agents, Kimberly D. Grimes


The Relationships Among Adaptive Behaviors of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Their Family Support Networks, Parental Stress, and Parental Coping, Heather Roberts Hall


The Role of FGF Signaling in Retinal Development, Abbie A. Hartge