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Theses/Dissertations from 2008


Manipulation of the Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus Envelope Protein in an Effort to Develop Directly and Indirectly Targeted Retroviral Vectors for Use in Human Gene Therapy, Geneva M. Vasser


Synthesis and Evaluation of Tetramic Acids as Antimicrobial Agents, Jason B. Wilson


Mechanisms of Erythroid Proliferation and Differentiation: Analysis of the Role of Erythropoietin Receptor in the Friend Virus Model, Ji Zhang


The Structural and Functional Study of GIT1 Paxillin Binding Domain, Ziwei Zhang


TorsinA and the Pathophysiology of DYT1 Dystonia, Yu Zhao


A Kinematics-Based Testing Protocol to Study the Mechanics of the Human Lumbar Spine, Nephi A. Zufelt

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


Trabecular Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration, Mark Ryan Appleford


Silver Doped Hydroxyapatite Coating on Titanium Surfaces and its Effect on Early Bone Response and Osseointegration, Nicole Besu


Cephalometric Evaluation of One-Phase and Two-Phase Treatment Alternatives in Matched Class Ii Subjects, Fredrick Jerome Burr


Chlamydia pneumoniae, Toll-like Receptors and Pathogenesis of Atherosclerotic Heart Disease, Fei Cao


The Long-Term Teratogenic Effect of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on the Somatosensory and Motor Cortex of Rats, Tyson Chappell


Root Morphology and Sexual Dimorphism : Size Standards for Crown and Root Dimensions in Adolescents, William Max Couch


Health Barriers, Health Perceptions, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors of Adolescent Black American Males, Desmarie Jackson DeCuir


Development and Evaluation of Brain Tumor Targeted Liposome Delivery System for Paclitaxel, Murali Krishna Divi


Depth and Size Limits for the Visibility of Veins Using the VeinViewer Imaging System, Soujanya Ganesh


Gastric Myoelectrical Activity in Patients with Diabetes, Sandra Luberata Holmes


Molecular Mechanism of Tetraspanin CD9 Mediated Cell Motility, Jayaprakash Kotha


Tetraspanin KAI1/CD82 inhibits cell migration-related cellular events via reorganizing actin network, Wei Liu


Novel Carbopol-Wax Blends for Controlled Release Oral Dosage Forms, Natarajansoundarapandian Mariageraldrajan


The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator: Regulation by HSP-90, Kevin Marrs


Cardiopulmonary Predicators of Dysfunctional Ventilator Weaning Response after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft, Annapoorna Mary


Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Spatial Resolution in a Variable Resolution X-Ray Computed Tomography Scanner, Roman Melnyk


Humanized Chimeric Receptors in the Therapy of Multiple Sclerosis, Ioana Moisini


Probing the Role of Nascent Helicity in Protein Function: p27kip1 as a Regulator of the Cell Cycle, Steve Otieno


Evaluation of Osseointegration Between Two Different Modalities of Hydroxyapatite Implant Surface Coatings: Plasma Sprayed HA Coated Implants and Electrophoresis Deposited Nano HA Coated Implants, Audrey Marie Selecman