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Theses/Dissertations from 2008


Structure- and Ligand-Based Design of Novel Antimicrobial Agents, Kirk Edward Hevener


Antimicrobial Activity of Human Leukocyte Defensin HNP-4 Against Gram-negative Bacteria, George Hilal


The Tetraspanin CD9 Localizes to Platelet-Platelet Contacts and Regulates Thrombus Stability, Sarah Kathleen Hill


Factors Affecting Long-Term Outcomes Following Intensive In-Home Services, Sarah Hurley


Interaction of Bacteriophage Mu Middle Transcription Activator Protein Mor with Promoter DNA, Kartik Iyer


Studies to Characterize the Requirements for the Binding and Release of ERdj3, a Mammalian ER DnaJ Homolog, from Substrates, Yi Jin


The N-terminal Domain of the Y-box Binding Protein YB-1 Plays a Major Role in Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis, Payal Khandelwal


CDC45 Function Alters Cell Sensitivity to DNA Topoisomerase I Poisons, Cynthia Sue Lancaster


The Unfolded Protein Response Increases Production of Pro-Angiogenic Factors by Tumor Cell Lines, Nan Liao


Transcriptional Regulation of Azole Antifungal Resistance in Candida albicans, Teresa T. Liu


Molecular Profile of Women With and Without Secondary Breast Cancer After the Treatment of Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma, Belinda Neal Mandrell


Self-Efficacy, Physical Activity, and Aerobic Fitness in Middle School Children: Examination of a Pedometer Intervention Program, Dana M. Manley


Investigation of the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Matrix Protein: Uncoating and Assembly, Chad E. Mire


Golgi Specificity and Development of Autoreactive B Cells, Fazlullah Salar Khan Nawazi


Biochemical and Immunological Mechanisms Underlying Differential Interaction of Superantigens with Host Immunogenetic Factors in Streptococcal Sepsis, Mohammed Nooh


Flavonoids and Related Compounds as Nucleoside Transporter Inhibitors, Surekha Ravaji Pimple


Use of Compliant Interbody Force Sensing Grafts to Compare Load Sharing Properties of Unidirectional and Bidirectional Multilevel Dynamic Translational Anterior Cervical Plates, Jason Roscoe Roberson


Predictors of Depressive Symptoms and Obesity in African American Women Transitioning from Welfare to Work, Mayola Rowser


Kinematic Demands of Nucleus Arthroplasty Technology, Elizabeth J. Sander


Cephalometric Evaluation of Bionator Therapy in the Early Treatment of Class II Malocclusions, Daniel C. Sawrie


Factors Influencing Topotecan CNS Penetration in Mouse Models, Jun Shen


Predictors of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms among African American HIV-positive Women, Nina Katherine Sublette


Studies of Entry, Reverse Transcription, and Regulation of Splicing in Retroviruses, Timothy A. Sullivan


Why Pharmacists Choose to Seek or Not Seek Board Certification in Pharmacy Practice: A Comparison of Motivation and Motivating Factors, Mark Tankersley


Sleep, Fatigue and Caregiver Burden in Parents of Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), Jerithea Tidwell