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Submissions from 1952
N-benzyl-β-chloropropionamide (hibicon®): A New Approach to Anticonvulsant Therapy, C. D. Hawkes
Further electroencephalographic studies in sickle cell anemia, Fontaine S. Hill and Billie Camp Davis
Early detection of cerebral injury, James G. Hughes and Billie Camp Davis
Symposium on cerebral palsy: Part III. early detection of cerebral injury, James G. Hughes and Billie Camp Davis
Studies in hypertension: II. central and autonomic nervous system reactions of hypertensive individuals to simple physical and psychologic stress situations, Hudson Jost, Cyril J. Ruilmann, T. S. Hill, and Martha Jo Gulo
Studies in hypertension: I. Technics and control data. Central and autonomic nervous system reactions of normal adults to sensory and ideational (frustration) stimulation, Hudson Jost, Cyril J. Ruilmann, T. S. Hill, and Martha Jo Gulo
Pathology of the Energy System: An Experimental-Clinical Study of Physiological Adaptive Capacities in a Non-Patient, a Psychoneurotic, and an Early Paranoid Schizophrenic Group, Marion Jurko, Hudson Jost, and T. S. Hill
Transmission of radioiodine (i131) to infants through human maternal milk, Carl E. Nurnberger and Alys Lipscomb
Anencephaly in fetuses of mother with tetralogy of fallot: Normal infant following blalock operation, Charles B. Olim and Henry B. Turner
Hydration treatment of eclampsia, Henry B. Turner, Oliver DeLozier, and Frank E. Whitacre
Molybdenized perrous sulfate (Mol-Iron) in the treatment of the anemia of premature infants, A. H. Tuttle and James N. Etteldorf
Transparent manikin for the teaching of obstetrics, Ruth C. Wakerlin and Frank E. Whitacre
The control with measantoin of convulsive seizures due to neurosyphilis: Clinical and electroenecphalolgrophic studies, Y. T. Wong, Ava Lee Hays, and T. S. Hill
Preparation of l-Methionine-S35and l-Cystine-S35from Radioactive Yeast, John L. Wood and Gordon C. Mills
Submissions from 1951
Methylene blue in the treatment of methemoglobinemia in premature infants caused by marking ink. A report of eight cases, James N. Etteldorf
Relationship of eeg findings to clinical factors during and after acute purulent meningitis, James G. Hughes, Billie Camp Davis, and Arthur E. Carpenter
A combined connective tissue stain for elastin, reticulin and collagen, Ann L. Lewis and Russell S. Jones
Vulva and vagina: New method of treatment of trichomonas vaginalis vaginitis, Leon V. McVay, Larey Evans, and Douglas H. Sprunt
A Study of Moniliasis in Aureomycin Therapy, Leon V. Mcvay and Douglas H. Sprunt
Streptokinase and streptodornase in the treatment of diabetic gangrene, Leon V. Mcvay and Douglas H. Sprunt
Changes in squamous epithelium following the surgical treatment of absence of the vagina: Preliminary report, Frank E. Whitacre and Roland H. Alden
High fluid intake in the treatment of eclampsia: A report of 25 cases, Frank E. Whitacre and Oliver DeLozier
Submissions from 1950
Effect of Variations in Osmotic Pressure on Macrophages in Tissue Culture., I. N. Dubin
The Preparation and Biological Activity of Alpha Estradiol-Sensitized Collodion Particles., Anna Dean Dulaney, Roland H. Alden, and Robert P. Conger
Treatment of ascariasis in children: Use of 1-diethylacarbamyl-4-methyl piperazine dihydrogen, James N. Etteldorf and Lloyd V. Crawford
Intravenous Administration of Tetracaine (Pontocaine®) Hydrochloride: Preliminary Report, J. S. Horan
Electroencephalographic findings in acute nephritis, James G. Hughes, Fontaine S. Hill, and Billie Camp Davis
Treatment of amebiasis with aureomycin: Report of Thirty-Eight Cases, John Davis Hughes
Treatment of actinomycosis with aureomycin: Report of a case, Leon V. Mcvay, David Dunavant, Frances Guthrie, and Douglas H. Sprunt
A complicated fracture of the mandibular symphysis, James H. Quinn
Measurement of Renal Hemodynamics in Man by the “Slope Method” without Urinalysis, Hall S. Tacket and C. Riley Houck
Primary angiosarcoma of the heart, Hall S. Tacket, Russell S. Jones, and J. Warren Kyle
Prolonged survival following streptomycin therapy of tuberculous meningitis, Hall S. Tacket and George S. Lovejoy
Poor Publicity, William J. von Lackum
Clinical experience with sulfisoxazole (gantrisin®), Alva B. Weir
Submissions from 1949
Interposition of vit allium plates in arthroplasties of the knee. Preliminary report, Willis C. Campbell
Calcification of ovaries, Giles A. Coors
Bodies Suggesting Exoerythrocytic Forms of Plasmodium vivax in Tissue Culture.∗, I. N. Dubin
A seven-year review of eclampsia with special reference to treatment with veratrum viride, George G. Greene
Continuous caudal analgesia in obstetrics, surgery and therapeutics, Robert A. Hingson
The Vollmer tuberculin patch test. Evaluation of its relative sensitivity, James G. Hughes
Teaching the public health aspects of syphilis control, Henry Packer
Granuloma inguinale of the vagina and cervix uteri with bone metastases, Henry Packer, Henry B. Turner, and Anna Dean Dulaney
Carcinoma of the vulva complicating pregnancy, P. B. Russell
Transmission of Trypanosoma equiperdum to the duck, Lloyd D. Seager
Typhoid and paratyphoid a in immunized military personnel, Jerome T. Syverton, Richard E. Ching, F. S. Cheever, and Ancil B. Smith
The hippuric acid liver function test in schizophrenia, Yan Tim Wong
Submissions from 1948
Fibrin calculi, Chester D. Allen
A simple calculator for certain types of instrumental data, Daniel A. Brody and J. P. Quigley
Probst's tract in the cat, Kendall B. Corbin
Further attempts to trace the origin of afferent nerves to the extrinsic eye muscles, Kendall B. Corbin and Frank Harrison
Elicitation of the “pseudomotor contracture” in the tongue by intramedullary stimulation, Kendall B. Corbin, Frank Harrison, and C. Wigginton
Rhabdomyosarcoma. Case report, Jacob A. Danciger and John Warren
Precipitative Tests in Malaria, Anna Dean Dulaney and Virginia House
A new method for impregnation of oligodendroglia and microglia in ordinary necropsy material, Antonio Grino
Purpura rheumatica complicating the puerperium, Jerome Pillow Long and Robert A. Orr
The Treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis Vaginitis with Aureomycin, Leon V. Mcvay, Raymond L. Laird, James B. Flanagan, and Douglas H. Sprunt
Acidosis and alkalosis in obstetrics and gynecology, W. T. Pride, James R. Reinberger, and D. T. Holland
Effect of alpha estradiol benzoate on local areas of inflammation in the skin of the rabbit, R. H. Rigdon and R. B. Chrisman
Studies on Acid Hydrolysates of Vesicant-treated Insulin, Carl M. Stevens, John L. Wood, Julian R. Rachele, and Vincent du Vigneaud
Acute Adaptation of Rats to Very Low Oxygen Pressure., L. Van Middlesworth
A contribution to the study of eclampsia: Consideration of two hundred cases, Frank E. Whitacre, Walter M. Loeb, Henry Chin, T. S. Hill, and Hudson Jost
Aortic embolectomy: Successful removal of saddle embolus by transabdominal route, Harwell Wilson
Submissions from 1947
Implantation of the rat egg. II. Alteration in osmiophilic epithelial lipids of the rat uterus under normal and experimental conditions, Roland H. Alden
Patterns of increased electrical skin resistance in acute human poliomyelitis, Fred M. Brown and S. R. Bruesch
Specific Nature of Complement Fixing Antibody in Malaria as Demonstrated by Absorption Tests, Anna Dean Dulaney and Warren K. Stratman-Thomas
Early signs, symptoms and diagnosis of prostatic obstructions, I. G. Duncan
Prophylaxis against ophthalmia neonatorum: Clinical Comparison of Penicillin and Silver Nitrate: A Preliminary Report, H. Charles Franklin
A comparison of the pathologic anatomy of the Central American tropical ulcers and those of a variety of leg ulcers of North America, Alfred Golden
Further attempts to improve methods of selecting medical students, O. W. Hyman
Preparation of Borneol Glucuronide, Harvey K. Murer and Lathan A. Crandall
Failure of Heparin to Inhibit Coagulation of Citrated Blood and Plasma in Presence of Staphylococci, R. H. Rigdon
Effect of Para-Aminobenzoic Acid on Fever and Joint Pains of Acute Rheumatic Fever, Herman Rosenblum and L. E. Fraser
Sarcoma of the uterus, Wilson Searight
Submissions from 1946
Penicillin in drops for prophylaxis against ophthalmia neonatorum: A single instillation method, H. Charles Franklin
Acute peritonitis following rupture of mesenteric lymph nodes: Report of its occurrence in a case of typhoid and in a case of paratyphoid, J. Warren Kyle and Russell H. Patterson
A preliminary report of the successful treatment of amebiasis with aureomycin, Leon V. Mcvay, Raymond L. Laird, and Douglas H. Sprunt
Further Studies on a Frog Method for Assaying Gallbladder-Contracting-Substances, Lloyd D. Seager
Submissions from 1945
Implantation of the rat egg. I. Experimental alteration of uterine polarity, Roland H. Alden
Some mechanical factors in the dynamics of the thin-walled, spherical viscus, Daniel A. Brody and J. P. Quigley
Utilization of Glucose and Acetone Bodies by Gastrointestinal Tract in Fasting Normal and Diabetic Dogs, Lathan A. Crandall, Alys Lipscomb, and S. B. Barker
Serious genito-urinary lesions accompanied by essentially urinary findings, I. G. Duncan
Detection of radioactive impurities by the constant solubility test, Helmut R. Gutmann and John L. Wood
Submissions from 1944
The diagnostic value of complement fixation in malaria, Anna Dean Dulaney, Warren K. Stratman-Thomas, and Otis S. Warr
Isolation of Brucella from Apparently Healthy Individuals, Leon V. Mcvay, Frances Guthrie, I. D. Michelson, and Douglas H. Sprunt
The treatment of bacteriemias with sulfanilamide, James R. Reinberger
Submissions from 1943
Internal wiring fixation of facial fractures, William Milton Adams
Etiology and treatment of traumatic surgical shock, Harwell Wilson
Submissions from 1942
Evaluation of Certain Dangers in the Use of Jet Injection Technic, Robert V. Brown
The distribution of myelinated afferent fibers in the branches of the cat's facial nerve, S. R. Bruesch
The number of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers in the optic nerve of vertebrates, S. R. Bruesch and L. B. Arey
Chemical Studies on Vesicant-treated Proteins, Frederick H. Carpenter, Vincent du Vigneaud, John L. Wood, and Carl M. Stevens
The newborn: Prophylaxis against ophthalmia neonatorum: Clinical comparison of penicillin and silver nitrate: A preliminary report, H. Charles Franklin
Continuous caudal analgesia in obstetrics, surgery and therapeutics, Robert A. Hingson
Morphology of Hemobartonella muris as Revealed by Darkfield Microscopy, J. D. Reese and Earl M. Fowler
Pathogenesis of arthritis following the intravenous injection of staphylococci in the adult rabbit, R. H. Rigdon
Metabolism of I131 in severe anoxic anoxia, L. Van Middlesworth
Effects of Acute Intermittent Anoxia Upon Urinary Volume, Specific Gravity and Chloride, L. Van Middlesworth, R. L. Banner, F. Lawson, and E. M. Cox